(eliminate dairy products and heavy meals with animal products)

Digestion/stomache cramps

1.    kidsWellness Stomach Colic formula 1 dropperful as needed
2.    Hot teas of chamomile, ginger, mint, fennel, anis….mixture of all, or whatever you have.
3.    Magnesium citrate powder in water. Start with ½ tsp. , it is a natural laxative. Do not give if diarrhea is present….only for stomache pain or cramps.
4.    Magnesium phosphoricum  6x, or any other X potency 8 pellets in a cup of hot water, give a sip or a spoonful every 10 min for an hour.
5.    If cramping is severe give Colocynthess 30c 4 pellets in a ½ cup of water and give a spoonful every 10 min. for an hour, or until cramping subsides.


1.    do not stop vomiting for first 24-36 hours….let the body dispose of the bacteria or virus.
2.    After this time give Ipecachuana 30c 4 pellets in a cup of water every 15 min. for the first hour, and then a sip or spoonful every 2 hours after that as needed.
3.    Kids Wellness Stomach Colic formula 1 dropperful as needed
4.    Hot teas of chamomile, ginger, mint, fennel, anis….mixture of all, or whatever you have.
5.    Give pedialite by the spoonful. Very important to hydrate.


1.    mercurius corrosivos 30c 4 pellets 4 x a day for up to 36 hours.
2.    Probiotic acidophilus follow instructions on bottle (I recommend Coco Biotic from Body Ecology)
3.    If vomiting and diarrhea together give Veratrum Album 30c instead of merc. Corros. 4 pellets 4 x a day.
4.    kidsWellness Stomach Colic formula 1 dropperful as needed
5.    Activated charcoal small amount…..helps to pull toxins out of intestines.
6.    Feed brown rice and sweet potatoes
7.    Lots of fluids
8.    If diarrhea is persistant use podophylum 30c 4 pellets every 2 hours for 4 doses.

For single homeopathic remedies contact Ohm Pharma at 940-325-4797 and indicate that I am your referring homeopath.