Emotional / Wellness Coach
We now offer Emotional and Wellness Coaching!
We know that in order to bring value and make positive change in the world, we must start with ourselves.
After over 15 years of private practice, American Homeopath Jennifer Vest-Domnguez has expanded her vision. For years, Jennifer has documented and studied the behavior of the human, its thinking patterns, and the physical impact that unresolved emotional issues can have on one’s health and relationships in the world.
We focus on using homeopathy to heal and bring balance to a person’s health, while using emotional integration to break old patterns that cause disease in the mind and body.
Jennifer teaches and promotes the application of a new “thinkware” that helps people truly achieve healthy, permanent shifts in their lives, leaving her clients feeling empowered by a new map of thinking and feeling.
On her personal journey of self-achievement, she was surprised and amazed that after decades of being married, raising children, running international businesses, making an intense commitment to personal growth and health, incorporating spiritual practices into daily life, and much more, that there could never be anything that could have such a deep and lasting effect as the combination of homeopathy and emotional integrative work that she has experienced together and currently implements with clients. This work has had a deep and lasting effect on shifting some of our most obstinate patterns.
We feel very excited about this work and feel moved to share what we have been doing personally in our own lives and with our clients. If you feel ready to re-map some of your most well-traveled and rutted roads that are no longer taking you on your desired path, then we invite you to experience the profound healing effects we offer.
Jennifer & Staff