I am not a Medical Dr. I do not diagnose. I am an experienced professional Homeopathic Consultant and life / wellness coach. I work in conjunction with your conventional Dr. to better serve you and assist in improving your health thru wellness, life coaching and primarily homeopathy.
To help prevent the flu, do the following to boost the immune system:
Repeat monthly during flu and cold season.
For a total of 4 days a month take:
1. Emergen-C 2000 mg a day through out the day.
2. Collodial silver (Sovereign Silver) 4-6 dropperfuls through out the day
3. Immune formula by kidsWellness follow instructions on bottle. If you have an immune compromised system , or normally get the flu, then take this immune formula 3 weeks on, 1 week off, for flu season.
4. Osscilliococinum in a cup of water and everyone in the house takes a spoonful. Use a different spoon for each person. Only DO THIS FOR 1 DAY A MONTH, NOT FOR THE 4 DAYS.
Please watch this video
At the onset of any flu symptoms, follow my FLU protocol
Facts about the vaccine:
Flu Shots
• Ineffective
–Babies –51 studies show no effect (Cochrane Review, 2008)
–Children with asthma –no effect (Christly, 2004)
–Adults –48 studies no effect (Cochrane Review, 2006)
–Elderly –64 studies no effect (Cochrane Review, 2006)
• Serious side effects
–Seasonal flu shots increase the risk of H1N1 flu
–1976 Swine flu vaccine disaster with more deaths from the vaccine than from the flu
–Guillain-Barrésyndrome (autoimmune nerve inflammation with paralysis)
–Hemorrhage, heart attacks, and deaths from swine flu vaccine this year
For single homeopathic remedies contact Ohm Pharma at 940-325-4797 and indicate that I am your referring homeopath.