"My name is Eduardo and I have 2 children 11/2 and 4. My kids were constantly getting sick. Ear infections, upper respiratory issues and a cycle of antibiotics and inhalers. I know giving my babies all of this medicine is not healthy. These medicines are toxic and lower the immune system even more. I was referred to Jennifer Dominguez by a friend, in just 4 months, my kids are off all conventional medication and are more effortlessly getting over the colds and coughs on their own. Jennifer is a teacher, she taught me how to use things from Whole Foods market during colds and flus to help boost my children's immune systems and now I have not needed to give them anything so toxic. My kids energy has gone up, they are so much happier and are sleeping better. Jennifer shared that we should never put our kids at risk, we should always get a diagnosis from the pediatrician, and at times there is a need for antibiotics and medication, but not usually as a first resort. Thank you Jennifer for helping my kids get stronger!"
- Eduardo Perez, Miami Florida
"Jennifer i would love to schedule a coaching session with you every week please- indefinitely. Our appointment today was spectacular. You are so good at what you do. You have such vast knowledge and so much information to share and you know how to communicate so it really resonates with me. My husband even enjoyed our session today. You, more than anyone we have worked with has given us the most help and you are perfect for me and my husband and my family. The gift you are giving us of becoming emotionally complete is allowing us to be more patient with our children and creating a healthier home. Please schedule us every week for an appointment."
- Mrs Nayde Hernandez Miami, Florida
"Jennifer thank you so much for helping to educate me on how to be a wholistic mom to my pets. My dogs skin was always itching, and they had a bad odor. One of my dogs had anxiety too. After our talks, you taught me how to feed them differently, you taught me how to use natural things to heal them, and now my pets are so much healthier! Their fur is silky and shiny, and no more scratching, no more allergies. I just love that you can help the whole family…pets, kids, and adults!"
- Mia Kaufman, Miami Florida
"I've known Jennifer for a very long time. She first introduced me to homeopathy more than 20 years ago . Over the years, I have seen her work as an amazing homeopath - she is my go-to when I am in need of medical help! I recently had a cold that would just not go away for 3 months. I contacted Jennifer, she gave me a remedy and by the next day, almost all of my symptoms were relieved. Jennifer is a great prescriber. I've out of the country, and the ability to use technology to achieve these results thru skype and facetime is amazing to me as we do not have a homeopath near me on my island. Thank you Jennifer!!!"
- Heather De’Paulo - Curacao
"I just want to say thank you for giving yourself the way you do. There have been so many times you have helped myself and my family. You are truly a gift and a blessing. Thank you for everything."
- Lisa Caricato Boca Raton, Florida
"Jennifer i would love to schedule an appointment with you every week please indefinitely. Our appointment today was spectacular. You are so good at what you do. You have such vast knowledge and so much information to share and you know how to communicate so it really resonates with me. My husband even enjoyed our session today. You, more than anyone we have worked with has given us the most help and you are perfect for me and my husband and my family. The gift you are giving us of becoming emotionally complete is allowing us to be more patient with our children and creating a healthier home. Please schedule us every week for an appointment."
- Mrs Hernandez, Miami, Florida
"Jennifer, Thank you for helping David. His attitude is now night and day. The day I spoke to him about you he was defeated, frustrated, and in pain. Now his energy has hope and he sees that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is a long and hard process but there is hope. Thank you so much for making a positive impact on him. He really connected with you and is ready to begin his journey."
- John V, Miami, Florida
"Jennifer after a 3 month non-stop asthmatic cough, it was stopped in its tracks with your remedies. Its as if I have a new set of lungs! I can breath again! I can sleep again! Thank you Thank you!"
- Ana Nottaro, Miami Florida
"After multiple antibiotical uses, I sought the homeopathic assistance of Jennifer Dominguez. It is now 2 years later and there have not been any recurrences of my child's chronic monthly ear infections. I am pleased with the results of homeopathy. As a nurse, I understand the effects of antiobiotic over-use."
- Lorraine regarding daughter Caroline Age 2, Miami, Florida
"We found Jennifer 5 years ago while looking for alternative treatments for our family. Since then she has helped my children and I through many common illnesses including Whooping Cough, Croup, the Flu without having to use conventional treatments. She also was a life-saver LITERALLY while my husband was suffering in the hospital after a near death Aortic Dissection and several surgeries. He was facing his 4th surgery and with Jennifer’s help - he no longer needed it and was released within the week! We couldn’t imagine life without her ever again."
- Cheryl Bougie, Boca Raton, FL
" Jennifer is an excellent classical homeopath. She has helped Nayeli (my daughter) immeasurably. She has been very supportive in her follow up treatment. Jennifer provides very comprehensive directions for her treatment protocols and is always available for email & phone consultations. She is a blessing to our family and I am very grateful for her consistent & dedicated care."
- Jo-Ann Radus, Florida
"Almost 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I was introduced to homeopathy by Jennifer Dominguez. Immediately my beaten spirit was lifted. Shortly after beginning your treatment, the side effects began to dissipate. As a result of your care my quality of life has improved dramatically. For the 1st time since my battle with cancer, my blood levels were within normal limits!"
- Wanda , Florida